


From january 2021 starts the lessons on

you can order a session with me choosing one-to-one or in streaming.  

On PhotoCoach you can find the best professional on photography and you have the possibility to get in contact with them through several dedicated services

Come  in to discover the new opportunity of Photocoach in order to improve your photography, if you want to became a professional or to have fun.



start today a new platform for photo-books

instagram:   protestinphotobook

this  platform, through the vision of the books in my collection, wants to generate, question and promote the visual culture linked to protest photo-books in the world and enable students, collectors and experts to broaden their knowledge,the platform will regularly publish publications and interviews in a crescendo of information

you are invited to spread the site and to inform me of editorial news and other related to protest photo-books

Lecture, collecting photobook – The italian photobook 1960-90


Talk – Monday 02 march 2020 at 19 – Officine Fotografiche Roma
I will talk and show some italian photobook on the period 1960-90, here the list:
Title MILANO, autore  Mario Carrieri Ed.  Lerici 1959
Title L’ISOLA DELLE PESCATRICI, autore Fosco Maraini Ed. Leonardo da Vinci 1960
Title  FOTOGRAFIE DEL BORGHESE, autore   AA.VV.   Ed. Le edizioni del Borghese 1963
Title LUCIO FONTANA, autore   Ugo Mulas Ed. Achille Mauri 1968
Title  MORIRE DI CLASSE, autore  G.B.Gardin e Carla Cerati  Ed.  Einaudi 1969
Title LONDON, autore  Gian Butturini Ed. Self-published 1969
Title  GUINEA BISSAU, autore   Uliano Lucas   Ed. Vangelista  1970
Title  LA FOTOGRAFIA, autore  Ugo Mulas Ed. Einaudi 1973
Title IMMAGINI, autore  Pepi Merisio  Ed. Banca Popolare Bergamo 1974
Title MATERA, autore  Mario Cresci Ed.   Meta 1975
Title LA CITTA’ INVASA,  autore  Roberto Salbitani Ed. Punto e virgola  1978
Title  DANCING IN EMILIA , autore Gabriele Basilico Ed. Priuli &verlucca 1980
Title LA CLASSE MORTA DI TADEUSZ KANTOR, autore   Maurizio Buscarino  Ed. Economica Feltrinelli 1981
Title GIANT SUPER & VICINITY, autore  Maurizio Berlincioni Ed. AFT Prato 1984
Title SUOR ORSOLA, autore   Mimmo Jodice Ed.  Mazzotta 1987
Title UNA STORIA PORTOGHESE, autore Fausto Giaccone   Ed. Ranadazzo Focus  1987
Title KAMI, autore   Ferdinando Scianna Ed. L’immagine Editrice 1988
Title IL PROFILO DELLE NUVOLE, autore   Luigi Ghirri  Ed. Feltrinelli 1989
Title MILANO VEDUTA INTERNA, autore   Cesare Colombo   Ed. Alinari 1990
Title SCENA E FUORI SCENA, autore   Carla Cerati   Ed. Electa 1991
Title STAZIONI, autore   Antonio Biasiucci   Ed. Electa 1991
Title STORIE DI TERRA, autore  Mario Giacomelli Ed. Città studi 1992
Title CHANDIGARH , autore  Piergiorgio Sclarandis Ed. Credito Valtellinese   1993
Title VARIANTI, autore  Guido Guidi  Ed.  Art& 1995



by February 2020  I start my collaboration with 

I’ll show every week a photobook remarking the most interesting part

I’ll hope to meet you and if you like see this site dedicated to those who wants

to grow up in photography.